Full Time
Occupational Certificate: Social Auxiliary Worker NQF Level 5
Programme type: Occupational Certificate
The purpose of the qualification is to equip qualifying learners with the following:
- Knowledge and understanding of the South African context within which social services function and are delivered.
- Understanding of social development in terms of the needs, policies, and the role of the Social Auxiliary Worker.
- Basic knowledge of human behavior, relationship systems and social issues and the ability to address social needs using appropriate Social Auxiliary Work methods and techniques.
- The skills to work as a team member and as a provider of support services to the Social Work team.
Industry: Social
Duration: 1 Year
NQF: Level 4
SAQA: 97542
Credits: 131
This qualification will prepare learners to render basic counselling and support services to individuals and families with socio-economic challenges.
Facilitate non-therapeutic (educational and support groups) groups as well as participatory development in communities to address their common socio-economic needs, to promote social justice and to collect and collate data to inform social services intervention
- 1x Certified ID copy of student
- 1x Certified ID Copy of Parent/Guardian/sponsor
- Latest School Results e.g. Grade 12 Certificate / Matric or Equivalent Qualification in the Social Services field
- Proof of residence
- 2x reams copy paper (500 sheets each)
1) Knowledge Modules
- Social Auxiliary Work and Social Welfare Services in the South African Context
- Social Work – Methods and principles
- Communication and Life Skills in Social Auxiliary Work
2) Practical Modules
- Render basic counselling and support
- Support the counselling processes
- Support the processes to intervene with individuals and families
- Facilitate educational, life skills and support group programs
- Assist in implementation of community development process
- Assist with obtaining and keeping data that inform social services intervention strategies
3) Work Experience Modules
- Exposure to the client counselling and referral processes
- Exposure to the facilitation of non-therapeutic group processes
- Exposure to community development processes
- Exposure to the social work administration processes
- Registration Fee R850.
- Registration Fee R3 500
- Cash fee: R1500
- Term Fee: R15000 | 11 monthly instalments R1300 per month
- Term Fee Deposit: R1500
Prescribed textbooks and logbooks are provided by the college. Students will receive printed versions of the study guides for this programmes. All prescribed books and log-books fees are included in tuition fee.
The Bakersfield Occupational Certificate in Social Auxiliary Worker is accredited by Quality Council for Trade & Occupation (QCTO),06-QCTO/SDP20032194529 and is registered by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) as a 129-credit qualification on Level 5 (SAQA ID No: 98890).
Internal assessment and formative assessments for Knowledge modules will be ongoing, including practical and work integrated learning experience. Bakersfield College will ensure that the learners are prepared well and made ready to sit for the QCTO Final External assessment.
External Assessment: Student will write a compulsory External Integrated Summative Assessment (EISA) approved by the QCTO at the end of the course.
On successful completion of the programme, the student will receive a Certificate in Social Auxiliary Worker, Level 5, from Quality Council For Trades & Occupations (QCTO).
The programme is offered over a duration of 12 Months (one Year) on a full- time basis. Classes are offered during the week on a full-time basis. You will be placed within our partner organisations for your practical training.